Monday, August 17, 2009

District 9 damnit

It was a rush to get there, and we were late already. Twenty minutes late and our movie, "The Goods" wasn't showing anymore...what to do, what to do? Let's watch District 9 damnit. Yes, this post is about said movie - if you haven't guessed it. =p Most of you probably saw this movie, but that's not the point. The point is that this is perhaps the best movie of 2009. Dangerous statement? You bet your ass it is. What gets me though is that G.I. Joe - a movie based on the old Hasbro toy line and 90's pro war cartoon - is described by my peers as 'solid'. I'm not surprised, I'm just tired of the cycle about crappy movies about old toys/cartoons/shit. I know, I know, it all comes down to a person's preference and I read this incredible blog post about artsy movies needing the crappy/box office success to be possible.
Back to District 9, a movie where the aliens are eerily metaphors for our Haitian communities and perhaps those shanty towns present in the Middle East. Yes, someone, somewhere will study this movie for class someday soon.

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