Saturday, October 16, 2010

Decompression beats depression.

Now these pictures that we left behind are just memories of a different time -- something made us laugh, something made us cry...

And so A Midsummer Night's Dream came to an end earlier this week. Honestly it was a pleasure to work with the fine actors that made our cast, as well as our stage managers - my wife included. It was a tedious process to get to the stage. Filled with mayhem, desperate searching for characters, preproduction party mischief, post-production party mischief and everything in between. It was a wild ride into the strange and unknown fathoms of the human soul to recreate something authentic and exciting.

After all of that, it's recovery time, or as a college student -- catchup time. Yet the memories never leave me of rehearsals, of the production or the awesome after party on Monday.


I find myself reciting lines from the show almost everyday. Not my lines mind you, just everyone else's. "Away you serpent!"

As one cast member said, "I don't know what to do with all the time in the afternoon anymore," and I heartily concur. Well, to some extent, I've got essays, exams and presentations up to my ears. Yet there is this void in my gut. Patti sent this awesome email on overcoming this void. Gotta love the woman, she certainly is a sage isn't she? ='( Anyway enough of this emo ranting business.

It was an honor to work on AMND 2010 and this production only reinforces my love for theatre and my passion to make this my career. I look forward to many more adventures down the rabbit hole. Till then, take pains, be perfect, adieu.

That's for the Midsummer Cast -- just substitute 'you' for 'you guys' and I think you get the picture. =)

Farewell guys...till next time.